Dream Come True

He dreamt,
He imagined,
He loved…

She manifested,
She appeared,
She loved…


A boy saw a girl, while walking down a narrow road. He was all alone, and she was standing around two hundred yards  ahead of him.

He knew her well.  At the same time, he knew this can’t be happenning.

“This is impossible, she doesn’t exist” he told himself.

Yes. He is correct. After all, she is only his imagination. He first saw her around ten years ago, in a dream. How did she get into his mind? He doesn’t know. But, since she entered his mind, he spent most of his time with her.

Of all the faces he knew, it was hers, that he remembered well.

He spoke with her. He asked questions and she replied. He played with her. He sang with her. He danced with her. But all inside his head.

Now, she is here. Out of his head, in the physical world.

“How did she get out? Is it possible? Am I hallucinating?” He asked himself.

He looked at her face. It’s she. There is no doubt in that. He started to think about all the time spent with her. All while walking. Before long he ended up standing inches before her.

She smiled. He kept on gazing at her.

“Hi” she said.

It was the same voice that he had heard more than a million time.

“I can hear her” he told himself.

“Yes you can” she replied.

She had read his mind. He wasn’t surprised by it. It was her birth place.

“But how?” he asked.

“The cosmic feminine permeates through all space and time, it caused the dream in you. But you held on to the dream. And you became more and more close to it, it made the cosmic feminine to manifest physically. And here I am. And I am all yours” she said.

Still confused, he touched her left cheek with his right middle finger. He felt the softness, and the coldness in it. 

She winked. He took his finger away. She grabbed his hand and kissed it. He looked down full of shyness. She raised his chin and kissed his forehead. They both walked slowly, towards his home.